Greed World Problem

  • \(\mathcal{S} = \{[0,0],[0,1],...,[3,3]\}\)
  • \(\mathcal{A}(s) = \{\text{up,down,right,left}\}\)
  • \(R_t = -1\)
  • \(\gamma = 1\)
  • Deterministically cause the corresponding state transitions
  • The actions that would take the agent off the grid in fact leave the state unchanged.
  • undiscounted, episodic task

True Value function \(v_\pi\)

  • \(\forall s,\forall a : \pi(a|s) = 0.25\)

import numpy as np
import time
np.array ([[  0,-14,-20 ,-22],
           [-14, -18, -20, -20],
           [-20, -20, -18, -14.],
           [-22, -20, -14,   0.]])
array([[  0., -14., -20., -22.],
       [-14., -18., -20., -20.],
       [-20., -20., -18., -14.],
       [-22., -20., -14.,   0.]])

Optimal action value function, \(q_{\star}\)

q_star = {((0, 0), 'W'): 0,
 ((0, 0), 'E'): 0,
 ((0, 0), 'N'): 0,
 ((0, 0), 'S'): 0,
 ((0, 1), 'W'): -1.0,
 ((0, 1), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((0, 1), 'N'): -2.0,
 ((0, 1), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((0, 2), 'W'): -2.0,
 ((0, 2), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((0, 2), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((0, 2), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((0, 3), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((0, 3), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((0, 3), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((0, 3), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((1, 0), 'W'): -2.0,
 ((1, 0), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((1, 0), 'N'): -1.0,
 ((1, 0), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((1, 1), 'W'): -2.0,
 ((1, 1), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((1, 1), 'N'): -2.0,
 ((1, 1), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((1, 2), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((1, 2), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((1, 2), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((1, 2), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((1, 3), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((1, 3), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((1, 3), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((1, 3), 'S'): -2.0,
 ((2, 0), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((2, 0), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((2, 0), 'N'): -2.0,
 ((2, 0), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((2, 1), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((2, 1), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((2, 1), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((2, 1), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((2, 2), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((2, 2), 'E'): -2.0,
 ((2, 2), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((2, 2), 'S'): -2.0,
 ((2, 3), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((2, 3), 'E'): -2.0,
 ((2, 3), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((2, 3), 'S'): -1.0,
 ((3, 0), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((3, 0), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((3, 0), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((3, 0), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((3, 1), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((3, 1), 'E'): -2.0,
 ((3, 1), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((3, 1), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((3, 2), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((3, 2), 'E'): -1.0,
 ((3, 2), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((3, 2), 'S'): -2.0,
 ((3, 3), 'W'): 0,
 ((3, 3), 'E'): 0,
 ((3, 3), 'N'): 0,
 ((3, 3), 'S'): 0}

Set up

class Environment():
    def __init__(self,grid_size):
        self.grid_size = np.array(grid_size)
        self.S = [np.array([i,j]) for i in range(grid_size[0]) for j in range(grid_size[1])]
        self.Terminal_states = [(0,0),(self.grid_size[0]-1,self.grid_size[1]-1)]
        self.A = ["W","E","N","S"]
        self.A_to_coord = {"W" : [0,-1],"E" : [0,1], "N" : [-1,0], "S" : [1,0]}
        for k,v in self.A_to_coord.items():
            self.A_to_coord[k] = np.array(v)
        self.gamma = 1
        self.R = -1
    def move(self,s,a):
        s : current_state(position)
        a : action(from deterministic policy π)
        s_next : state after one_step transition
        Input : s = [0,1],a = "W"
        Output : s_next = [0,0]
        s_next = s + self.A_to_coord[a]
        if s_next[0] < 0 or s_next[1] <0 or s_next[0] >= self.grid_size[0] or s_next[1] >= self.grid_size[1]:
            return s # |S|를 넘어갈 경우, 원래 상태를 반환
            return s_next
    def move_test(self):
        S = [np.array([i,j]) for i in [0,1,2,3] for j in [0,1,2,3]]
        for s in S:
            for a in self.A:
    def dynamics(self,s_prime,r,s,a):
        s : current_state(position)
        a : action(from deterministic policy π)
        s_prime : all of the possible states after one-step transition
        r : immediate reward(-1)
        0 if s에서 a로 움직였을때의 변화된 상태 next_s와 s_prime의 input이 다를때
        1 if s에서 a로 움직였을때의 변화된 상태 next_s와 s_prime의 input이 같을때
        즉, a방향으로 움직이면 반드시 a방향으로 감(deterministic)
        s_next = self.move(s,a)
        if np.sum(s_next != s_prime)>=1:
            return 0
            return 1
    def dynamics_test(self,check_p = 1):
        for s in self.S:
            for a in self.A:
                for s_prime in self.S: #가능한 모든 next_state
                    if self.dynamics(s_prime,r,s,a) == check_p:
                        print(f"state : {s} action : {a} s_prime : {s_prime} dynamics : {self.dynamics(s_prime,r,s,a)}")
    def sampling_action(self,s_t,π):
        Input current state s_t : tuple
        ouput action : str (a ~ π(a|s))
        actions = []
        prob = []
        for a,p in π[s_t].items():
        return np.random.choice(a=actions,p=prob)
    def generate_π(self,uniform=False):
        Input : NA
        Output : {(x,y) : {"W" : pr1,"E" : pr2 ,...}}
        {(0,0):{"W" : 0.1, "E" : 0.2, ...},(0,1):{"W":0.4,"E":0.5...}}
        π = {(i,j): {} for i in range(self.grid_size[0]) for j in range(self.grid_size[1])}
        for t in π.values():
            unnormalized_prob = np.random.rand(4)
            if uniform == False:
                prob = unnormalized_prob/np.sum(unnormalized_prob)
                prob = [0.25] * 4
            for i in range(len(self.A)):
                t[self.A[i]] = prob[i]
        return π
    def argmax_a_Q(self,Q,s):
        max_action = "W"
        max_value = -5000
        for visit,Q_val in Q.items():
            if visit[0] == s:
                if Q_val > max_value:
                    max_action = visit[1]
                    max_value = Q_val                    
        return max_action
class Q_learning(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def control(self,s_0,iter_num,alpha,epsilon):
        Q = {(tuple(s),a) : 0 for s in self.S for a in self.A}
        π = self.generate_π()
        γ = 1
        for ep_num in range(iter_num):
            ϵ = epsilon ** (ep_num + 1)
            α = alpha ** (ep_num + 1)
            if ep_num % 1000 == True:
                print(f"epsilon : {ϵ} alpha : {α}")
            s_t = s_0
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                Q[(s_t,a_t)] = Q[(s_t,a_t)] + α * (r + γ * Q[(s_prime,self.argmax_a_Q(Q,s_prime))] - Q[(s_t,a_t)])
                a_star = self.argmax_a_Q(Q,tuple(s_t))
                for (state,action),value in Q.items():
                    if action == a_star:
                        π[state][action] = 1 - ϵ + ϵ /len(self.A)
                        π[state][action] = ϵ/len(self.A)
                s_t = s_prime
        return π,Q



\[\begin{aligned} \alpha(s) = \frac{1}{N(s)} \end{aligned}\]
class TD(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def prediction(self,s_0,π,iter_nums = 50):
        t = time.time()
        V = {tuple(s) : 0 for s in self.S}
        N = {tuple(s) : 0 for s in self.S}
        for ep_num in range(iter_nums):
            N[s_0] += 1
            s_t = s_0
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                N[s_prime] += 1
                V[s_t] = V[s_t] + (1/N[s_t]) * (r + 1*V[s_prime] - V[s_t])
                s_t = s_prime
        print(f"lead time : {time.time()-t}")
        return N,V

td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
N,V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 10000)
lead time : 3.84700870513916
({(0, 0): 4991,
  (0, 1): 8714,
  (0, 2): 11013,
  (0, 3): 10582,
  (1, 0): 11445,
  (1, 1): 15471,
  (1, 2): 12949,
  (1, 3): 10557,
  (2, 0): 19396,
  (2, 1): 27376,
  (2, 2): 14850,
  (2, 3): 8354,
  (3, 0): 19121,
  (3, 1): 19306,
  (3, 2): 11468,
  (3, 3): 5009},
 {(0, 0): 0,
  (0, 1): -6.210219153348596,
  (0, 2): -8.383241068493124,
  (0, 3): -9.002126728634252,
  (1, 0): -6.1390042000236225,
  (1, 1): -7.7515192854294215,
  (1, 2): -8.454972138492304,
  (1, 3): -8.392769233108076,
  (2, 0): -8.330045542123194,
  (2, 1): -8.421539073360337,
  (2, 2): -7.734287084877186,
  (2, 3): -6.146458879225036,
  (3, 0): -8.911924754087085,
  (3, 1): -8.321791681471996,
  (3, 2): -6.097562056472681,
  (3, 3): 0})
  • It doesn’t converge to a true value.
  • I thought the number of iterations was too small, so I did some more.
class TD(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def prediction(self,s_0,π,iter_nums = 50):
        t = time.time()
        V = {tuple(s) : 0 for s in self.S}
        N = {tuple(s) : 0 for s in self.S}
        for ep_num in range(iter_nums):
            N[s_0] += 1
            s_t = s_0
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                N[s_prime] += 1
                V[s_t] = V[s_t] + (1/N[s_t]) * (r + 1*V[s_prime] - V[s_t])
                s_t = s_prime
        print(f"lead time : {time.time()-t}")
        return N,V

td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
N,V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 1000000)
lead time : 376.06808495521545
({(0, 0): 500675,
  (0, 1): 857102,
  (0, 2): 1071635,
  (0, 3): 1068941,
  (1, 0): 1141288,
  (1, 1): 1497208,
  (1, 2): 1284379,
  (1, 3): 1069050,
  (2, 0): 1930091,
  (2, 1): 2714779,
  (2, 2): 1498691,
  (2, 3): 854888,
  (3, 0): 1928620,
  (3, 1): 1929364,
  (3, 2): 1141312,
  (3, 3): 499325},
 {(0, 0): 0,
  (0, 1): -7.710187158147642,
  (0, 2): -10.649747597920722,
  (0, 3): -11.512033496895874,
  (1, 0): -7.772392586046007,
  (1, 1): -9.839184282402476,
  (1, 2): -10.751129025128156,
  (1, 3): -10.654188503693032,
  (2, 0): -10.819929137588238,
  (2, 1): -10.85383247342236,
  (2, 2): -9.84822261146621,
  (2, 3): -7.712727075121741,
  (3, 0): -11.760013045162655,
  (3, 1): -10.832300462530744,
  (3, 2): -7.79454500536325,
  (3, 3): 0})
  • Increasing the iteration actually increased the difference with the true value function.
  • It seems wrong to modify \(\alpha\) based on the number of returns like MC does.


\[\begin{aligned} \alpha = k \end{aligned}\]
class TD(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def prediction(self,s_0,π,iter_nums,α=0.1):
        V = {tuple(s) : 0 for s in self.S}
        for ep_num in range(iter_nums):
            s_t = s_0
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                V[s_t] = V[s_t] + α * (r + 1*V[s_prime] - V[s_t])
                s_t = s_prime
        return V
td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 10000= 0.9)
{(0, 0): 0,
 (0, 1): -3.0256925965875716,
 (0, 2): -5.332214113492295,
 (0, 3): -15.617543977702914,
 (1, 0): -3.0629017222896167,
 (1, 1): -23.2984430617318,
 (1, 2): -18.28574411528579,
 (1, 3): -19.756820878783724,
 (2, 0): -22.470596366545834,
 (2, 1): -18.796632804070903,
 (2, 2): -19.36917079379382,
 (2, 3): -16.783646559420106,
 (3, 0): -8.414317785731221,
 (3, 1): -8.23094812772801,
 (3, 2): -1.7208495942458732,
 (3, 3): 0}
  • It was still far from the true value, so I decided to reduce the alpha.
td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 10000= 0.25)
{(0, 0): 0,
 (0, 1): -8.39849373243713,
 (0, 2): -21.498903370973046,
 (0, 3): -23.920539288117975,
 (1, 0): -18.9460598907016,
 (1, 1): -17.750880979198747,
 (1, 2): -20.324083266925584,
 (1, 3): -18.930470481543285,
 (2, 0): -21.57693034519246,
 (2, 1): -22.12603238307893,
 (2, 2): -20.463756775083247,
 (2, 3): -11.004329018730525,
 (3, 0): -23.981268316159696,
 (3, 1): -21.34414457966366,
 (3, 2): -10.81270597397484,
 (3, 3): 0}
  • It seemed to get a little closer to the true value at alpha=0.25.
  • So I wonder if it would converge if I increased the number of iterations here.
td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 100000= 0.25)
{(0, 0): 0,
 (0, 1): -10.892909639267481,
 (0, 2): -16.389984823596123,
 (0, 3): -20.578998512300483,
 (1, 0): -10.115580086229546,
 (1, 1): -16.7374227182455,
 (1, 2): -19.376736534483427,
 (1, 3): -17.403295865603702,
 (2, 0): -17.706264918772543,
 (2, 1): -18.118900013790565,
 (2, 2): -19.26210200598588,
 (2, 3): -6.951457310762545,
 (3, 0): -20.307685831910902,
 (3, 1): -21.122118838034453,
 (3, 2): -15.332188651767787,
 (3, 3): 0}
  • It seemed to get a little more closer to the true value by increasing the number of iterations.
  • The intuition here is that by decreasing alpha more and more and increasing iterations, I can get closer to the true value.
td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 100000= 0.025)
{(0, 0): 0,
 (0, 1): -13.468481120602783,
 (0, 2): -18.04521926868933,
 (0, 3): -20.830446568464893,
 (1, 0): -14.162405826062944,
 (1, 1): -17.51880803992086,
 (1, 2): -18.99287999167345,
 (1, 3): -19.31588268251589,
 (2, 0): -19.68613223150354,
 (2, 1): -19.616839196046627,
 (2, 2): -17.409760812877337,
 (2, 3): -12.103952443141019,
 (3, 0): -21.66401720239512,
 (3, 1): -19.851963302190605,
 (3, 2): -14.369576703234577,
 (3, 3): 0}
td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 100000= 0.001)
{(0, 0): 0,
 (0, 1): -14.03275753892002,
 (0, 2): -20.120670066469458,
 (0, 3): -22.087632181402803,
 (1, 0): -14.356100397943504,
 (1, 1): -18.06656086981896,
 (1, 2): -20.057873409291272,
 (1, 3): -19.933245308012694,
 (2, 0): -20.11923861351503,
 (2, 1): -20.10721474631147,
 (2, 2): -18.017930371514616,
 (2, 3): -13.836185455422145,
 (3, 0): -22.0836078738287,
 (3, 1): -20.00180431090046,
 (3, 2): -14.000978315795132,
 (3, 3): 0}
  • It approximates the true value fairly well.
  • I wonder if increasing the number of iterations would increase the value? Is this really convergence?
td = TD()
π = td.generate_π(True)
V = td.prediction(s_0 = (2,1),π = π,iter_nums = 500000= 0.001)
{(0, 0): 0,
 (0, 1): -14.023947065291312,
 (0, 2): -19.88466015535378,
 (0, 3): -22.019204023526456,
 (1, 0): -13.997593366671204,
 (1, 1): -17.867270764828138,
 (1, 2): -19.89726566201253,
 (1, 3): -19.982618186721407,
 (2, 0): -19.907105325573927,
 (2, 1): -19.89049628015864,
 (2, 2): -17.926426396792216,
 (2, 3): -13.883623908772902,
 (3, 0): -21.86589991111874,
 (3, 1): -19.918957752488122,
 (3, 2): -14.041869061880227,
 (3, 3): 0}
  • It seems to have converged.
  • Insight
    1. It was stated that decreasing \(\alpha\) will always converge to True. However, decreasing \(\frac{1}{N}\) did not converge to the true value. Perhaps we need to increase the decrease further.
    2. The book said that if \(\alpha\) is a constant, it will converge to True on average. In my experiments, as long as \(\alpha\) is appropriate, 100% of them converged to the true value.
    3. In TD, the step size alpha should be set small by default. I think it should be at most 0.01 and definitely less than that.

SARSA(On-Policy TD Control)

\[\begin{aligned} \pi(a|s) = \begin{cases} 1-\epsilon + \frac{\epsilon}{|A(s)|}\quad(A = \text{greedy action})\\ \epsilon /|A(s)| \quad\quad\quad\quad (\text{otherwise}) \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]
import numpy as np
import time
class Environment():
    def __init__(self,grid_size):
        self.grid_size = np.array(grid_size)
        self.S = [np.array([i,j]) for i in range(grid_size[0]) for j in range(grid_size[1])]
        self.Terminal_states = [(0,0),(self.grid_size[0]-1,self.grid_size[1]-1)]
        self.A = ["W","E","N","S"]
        self.A_to_coord = {"W" : [0,-1],"E" : [0,1], "N" : [-1,0], "S" : [1,0]}
        for k,v in self.A_to_coord.items():
            self.A_to_coord[k] = np.array(v)
        self.gamma = 1
        self.R = -1
    def move(self,s,a):
        s : current_state(position)
        a : action(from deterministic policy π)
        s_next : state after one_step transition
        Input : s = [0,1],a = "W"
        Output : s_next = [0,0]
        s_next = s + self.A_to_coord[a]
        if s_next[0] < 0 or s_next[1] <0 or s_next[0] >= self.grid_size[0] or s_next[1] >= self.grid_size[1]:
            return s # |S|를 넘어갈 경우, 원래 상태를 반환
            return s_next
    def move_test(self):
        S = [np.array([i,j]) for i in [0,1,2,3] for j in [0,1,2,3]]
        for s in S:
            for a in self.A:
    def dynamics(self,s_prime,r,s,a):
        s : current_state(position)
        a : action(from deterministic policy π)
        s_prime : all of the possible states after one-step transition
        r : immediate reward(-1)
        0 if s에서 a로 움직였을때의 변화된 상태 next_s와 s_prime의 input이 다를때
        1 if s에서 a로 움직였을때의 변화된 상태 next_s와 s_prime의 input이 같을때
        즉, a방향으로 움직이면 반드시 a방향으로 감(deterministic)
        s_next = self.move(s,a)
        if np.sum(s_next != s_prime)>=1:
            return 0
            return 1
    def dynamics_test(self,check_p = 1):
        for s in self.S:
            for a in self.A:
                for s_prime in self.S: #가능한 모든 next_state
                    if self.dynamics(s_prime,r,s,a) == check_p:
                        print(f"state : {s} action : {a} s_prime : {s_prime} dynamics : {self.dynamics(s_prime,r,s,a)}")
    def sampling_action(self,s_t,π):
        Input current state s_t : tuple
        ouput action : str (a ~ π(a|s))
        actions = []
        prob = []
        for a,p in π[s_t].items():
        return np.random.choice(a=actions,p=prob)
    def generate_π(self,uniform=False):
        Input : NA
        Output : {(x,y) : {"W" : pr1,"E" : pr2 ,...}}
        {(0,0):{"W" : 0.1, "E" : 0.2, ...},(0,1):{"W":0.4,"E":0.5...}}
        π = {(i,j): {} for i in range(self.grid_size[0]) for j in range(self.grid_size[1])}
        for t in π.values():
            unnormalized_prob = np.random.rand(4)
            if uniform == False:
                prob = unnormalized_prob/np.sum(unnormalized_prob)
                prob = [0.25] * 4
            for i in range(len(self.A)):
                t[self.A[i]] = prob[i]
        return π
    def argmax_a_Q(self,Q,s):
        max_action = "W"
        max_value = -5000
        for visit,Q_val in Q.items():
            if visit[0] == s:
                if Q_val > max_value:
                    max_action = visit[1]
                    max_value = Q_val                    
        return max_action
class SARSA(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def control(self,s_0,iter_nums,α=0.9= 0.9995):
        Q = {(tuple(s),a):0 for s in self.S for a in self.A}
        π = self.generate_π()
        action_space_size = len(self.A)
        for ep_num in range(1,iter_nums):
            s_t = s_0;a = self.sampling_action(s_0,π)
            a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
            epsilon = ϵ #실수한 부분
            alpha = α #GLIE?
            if ep_num % 1000 == 0:
                print(f"episode : {ep_num}, epsilon : {epsilon}, alpha : {alpha}")
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                #sampling action ~ ϵ-greedy action
                #1. make ϵ-greedy policy
                a_star = self.argmax_a_Q(Q,s_prime)
                for action,prob in π[s_prime].items():
                    if action == a_star:
                        π[s_prime][action] = 1 - epsilon + epsilon/action_space_size
                        π[s_prime][action] = epsilon/action_space_size
                #2. sampling action
                a_prime = self.sampling_action(s_prime,π)
                Q[(s_t,a_t)] = Q[(s_t,a_t)] + alpha*(r + 1*Q[(s_prime,a_prime)] - Q[(s_t,a_t)])
                #print(alpha*(r + 1*Q[(s_prime,a_prime)] - Q[(s_t,a_t)]))
                s_t = s_prime;a_t = a_prime
        return Q,π
def difference(q_π,Q):
    true_val = []
    approx_val = []
    for k,v in q_π.items():
    for k,v in Q.items():
    return ((np.array(true_val) - np.array(approx_val))**2)**(1/2)
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= 0.9= 0.9)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.9
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= 0.5= 0.9)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.9, alpha : 0.5
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= 0.9= 0.5)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.9
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= 0.2= 0.5)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.5, alpha : 0.2
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= 0.5= 0.2)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.5
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= 0.01= 0.2)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.2, alpha : 0.01
  • Here I remembered that there are some conditions for the salsa algorithm to converge.
  • GLIE, Robbins-Monro sequence of step-size \(\alpha_t\)
(GLIE) (Robbins-Monro)
class SARSA(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def control(self,s_0,iter_nums,α=0.9= 0.9995):
        Q = {(tuple(s),a):0 for s in self.S for a in self.A}
        π = self.generate_π()
        action_space_size = len(self.A)
        for ep_num in range(1,iter_nums):
            s_t = s_0;a = self.sampling_action(s_0,π)
            a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
            epsilon = ϵ ** (ep_num + 1) #실수한 부분
            alpha = α**(ep_num+1) #GLIE?
            if ep_num % (iter_nums / 10) == 0:
                print(f"episode : {ep_num}, epsilon : {epsilon}, alpha : {alpha}")
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                #sampling action ~ ϵ-greedy action
                #1. make ϵ-greedy policy
                a_star = self.argmax_a_Q(Q,s_prime)
                for action,prob in π[s_prime].items():
                    if action == a_star:
                        π[s_prime][action] = 1 - epsilon + epsilon/action_space_size
                        π[s_prime][action] = epsilon/action_space_size
                #2. sampling action
                a_prime = self.sampling_action(s_prime,π)
                Q[(s_t,a_t)] = Q[(s_t,a_t)] + alpha*(r + 1*Q[(s_prime,a_prime)] - Q[(s_t,a_t)])
                #print(alpha*(r + 1*Q[(s_prime,a_prime)] - Q[(s_t,a_t)]))
                s_t = s_prime;a_t = a_prime
        return Q,π
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= np.exp(np.log(0.0001)/10000),ϵ = 0.9999)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.9047424102692003, alpha : 0.3977406691050303
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.818640693009023, alpha : 0.1583434123914593
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.740733027040136, alpha : 0.06303764788294978
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.6702396082111145, alpha : 0.025095739637028935
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.6064548440752158, alpha : 0.009990793899844896
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.5487402913771806, alpha : 0.003977406691050414
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.49651826565897955, alpha : 0.0015834341239146371
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.4492660590208904, alpha : 0.0006303764788295154
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.40651070816152135, alpha : 0.00025095739637029634
  • Once again, I see that the SARSA algorithm will not converge if the GLIE condition is not met.
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 10000= np.exp(np.log(0.0001)/100000),ϵ = 0.999)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 1000, epsilon : 0.36732772934619273, alpha : 0.9119268439216149
episode : 2000, epsilon : 0.13506472547210194, alpha : 0.8316871663561808
episode : 3000, epsilon : 0.049662681604038125, alpha : 0.7585077106700777
episode : 4000, epsilon : 0.018260740807661924, alpha : 0.6917672538661829
episode : 5000, epsilon : 0.006714390847905722, alpha : 0.6308992338374627
episode : 6000, epsilon : 0.002468850794898966, alpha : 0.5753869398011344
episode : 7000, epsilon : 0.0009077851417265067, alpha : 0.5247591259224881
episode : 8000, epsilon : 0.0003337884432878974, alpha : 0.4785860108922666
episode : 9000, epsilon : 0.00012273248343838214, alpha : 0.43647562949787516
  • Once again, I see that the SARSA algorithm will not converge if the Robbins-Monro condition is not met.
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 100000= np.exp(np.log(0.0001)/100000),ϵ = 0.9999)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 10000, epsilon : 0.36782426032832716, alpha : 0.3980705052167768
episode : 20000, epsilon : 0.13530821730781176, alpha : 0.15847472251273403
episode : 30000, epsilon : 0.049774622409831396, alpha : 0.06308992338382775
episode : 40000, epsilon : 0.01831014468548656, alpha : 0.025116550888785564
episode : 50000, epsilon : 0.006735588984342178, alpha : 0.009999079008402512
episode : 60000, epsilon : 0.0024777608121225024, alpha : 0.003980705052178049
episode : 70000, epsilon : 0.0009114716851579903, alpha : 0.0015847472251314335
episode : 80000, epsilon : 0.00033529492789624127, alpha : 0.000630899233839907
episode : 90000, epsilon : 0.0001233419430395787, alpha : 0.0002511655088885044
  • Here, I see that the SARSA algorithm gradually converges to the GLIE and Robbins-monro conditions.
  • I’ve also seen that by increasing the number of iterations here, I can approach the optimal action value function and policy
sarsa = SARSA()
Q,π = sarsa.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_nums = 1000000= np.exp(np.log(0.0001)/1000000),ϵ = 0.99999)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
episode : 100000, epsilon : 0.3678739229922288, alpha : 0.3981035038657425
episode : 200000, epsilon : 0.13533257654345773, alpha : 0.15848785951058994
episode : 300000, epsilon : 0.04978582369992489, alpha : 0.06309515331650908
episode : 400000, epsilon : 0.018315089424785096, alpha : 0.025118632962342347
episode : 500000, epsilon : 0.006737711173760915, alpha : 0.009999907896757296
episode : 600000, epsilon : 0.0024786530280102824, alpha : 0.00398103503855267
episode : 700000, epsilon : 0.0009118409315600251, alpha : 0.0015848785950641953
episode : 800000, epsilon : 0.0003354458550964258, alpha : 0.0006309515331484882
episode : 900000, epsilon : 0.00012340301669597187, alpha : 0.0002511863296168138
  • It seems to have converged.
  • Insight
    1. The SARSA algorithm converges only when the GLIE and Robbins-monro conditions are satisfied.
    2. It is very slow to converge.


class Q_learning(Environment):
    def __init__(self,grid_size=(4,4)):
    def control(self,s_0,iter_num,alpha,epsilon):
        Q = {(tuple(s),a) : 0 for s in self.S for a in self.A}
        π = self.generate_π()
        γ = 1
        for ep_num in range(iter_num):
            ϵ = epsilon ** (ep_num + 1)
            α = alpha ** (ep_num + 1)
            if ep_num % (iter_num / 10) == True:
                print(f"epsilon : {ϵ} alpha : {α}")
            s_t = s_0
            while s_t not in self.Terminal_states:
                a_t = self.sampling_action(s_t,π)
                r,s_prime = -1,tuple(self.move(s_t,a_t))
                Q[(s_t,a_t)] = Q[(s_t,a_t)] + α * (r + γ * Q[(s_prime,self.argmax_a_Q(Q,s_prime))] - Q[(s_t,a_t)])
                a_star = self.argmax_a_Q(Q,tuple(s_t))
                for (state,action),value in Q.items():
                    if action == a_star:
                        π[state][action] = 1 - ϵ + ϵ /len(self.A)
                        π[state][action] = ϵ/len(self.A)
                s_t = s_prime
        return π,Q
q_l = Q_learning()
π,Q= q_l.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_num = 1000,alpha = np.exp(np.log(0.001)/1000),epsilon = 0.995)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
epsilon : 0.990025 alpha : 0.9862794856312106
epsilon : 0.599727876386733 alpha : 0.4943106869868377
epsilon : 0.36329741745444855 alpha : 0.24774220576333084
epsilon : 0.2200748351473355 alpha : 0.12416523075924281
epsilon : 0.13331482894782642 alpha : 0.062230028516917085
epsilon : 0.08075818212241154 alpha : 0.031188895840940083
epsilon : 0.04892091923449094 alpha : 0.015631476426409968
epsilon : 0.029634846598205228 alpha : 0.007834296427662368
epsilon : 0.017951913959130546 alpha : 0.003926449353996142
epsilon : 0.010874738754866503 alpha : 0.001967886289706926
q_l = Q_learning()
π,Q= q_l.control(s_0 = (2,1),iter_num = 10000,alpha = np.exp(np.log(0.001)/10000),epsilon = 0.9995)
rmse = difference(q_star,Q)
epsilon : 0.9990002500000001 alpha : 0.9986194028465246
epsilon : 0.6058485196309606 alpha : 0.5004952959591761
epsilon : 0.36741975664072807 alpha : 0.25084185282524624
epsilon : 0.22282348342150354 alpha : 0.1257187342954265
epsilon : 0.13513237616300078 alpha : 0.06300862465664786
epsilon : 0.0819516812458937 alpha : 0.031579118286324974
epsilon : 0.0496999923314264 alpha : 0.015827050934311866
epsilon : 0.030140800044509277 alpha : 0.007932315874245822
epsilon : 0.0182790335512516 alpha : 0.0039755754492710235
epsilon : 0.011085408054012442 alpha : 0.0019925076614966753
{((0, 0), 'W'): 0,
 ((0, 0), 'E'): 0,
 ((0, 0), 'N'): 0,
 ((0, 0), 'S'): 0,
 ((0, 1), 'W'): -1.0,
 ((0, 1), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((0, 1), 'N'): -2.0,
 ((0, 1), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((0, 2), 'W'): -2.0,
 ((0, 2), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((0, 2), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((0, 2), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((0, 3), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((0, 3), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((0, 3), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((0, 3), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((1, 0), 'W'): -2.0,
 ((1, 0), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((1, 0), 'N'): -1.0,
 ((1, 0), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((1, 1), 'W'): -2.0,
 ((1, 1), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((1, 1), 'N'): -2.0,
 ((1, 1), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((1, 2), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((1, 2), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((1, 2), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((1, 2), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((1, 3), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((1, 3), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((1, 3), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((1, 3), 'S'): -2.0,
 ((2, 0), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((2, 0), 'E'): -4.0,
 ((2, 0), 'N'): -2.0,
 ((2, 0), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((2, 1), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((2, 1), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((2, 1), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((2, 1), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((2, 2), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((2, 2), 'E'): -2.0,
 ((2, 2), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((2, 2), 'S'): -2.0,
 ((2, 3), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((2, 3), 'E'): -2.0,
 ((2, 3), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((2, 3), 'S'): -1.0,
 ((3, 0), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((3, 0), 'E'): -3.0,
 ((3, 0), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((3, 0), 'S'): -4.0,
 ((3, 1), 'W'): -4.0,
 ((3, 1), 'E'): -2.0,
 ((3, 1), 'N'): -4.0,
 ((3, 1), 'S'): -3.0,
 ((3, 2), 'W'): -3.0,
 ((3, 2), 'E'): -1.0,
 ((3, 2), 'N'): -3.0,
 ((3, 2), 'S'): -2.0,
 ((3, 3), 'W'): 0,
 ((3, 3), 'E'): 0,
 ((3, 3), 'N'): 0,
 ((3, 3), 'S'): 0}
  • It seems to have converged very quickly and accurately!
  • Insight
    • Q-learning converges much faster than the SARSA algorithm.